My Big Catch: Here we go again

July 16, 2020 BY

VRFish, the peak body for recreational fishing in Victoria, is calling on the NSW Government to take a common-sense approach to fishing and boating on Murray River amid of the COVID-19 pandemic border restrictions.

VICTORIANS are being penalised for being Victorians and living in the COVID state of Victoria.
NSW has temporarily imposed border restrictions with Victoria to contain the spread of COVID-19. Only persons authorised under the public health order may enter NSW.
VRFish, the peak body for recreational fishing in Victoria, is calling on the NSW Government to take a common-sense approach to fishing and boating on Murray River amid of the COVID-19 pandemic border restrictions.
“Fishing on the Murray River is part of the way of life for Victorian anglers in our interconnected border communities,” VRFish chair Rob Loats said.
“We implore the NSW Government to treat the length of the Murray River as a coterminous river border with Victoria for the purpose of the public health order.
“Our local Victorian anglers just want to cast a line and launch their boat on the Murray River as part of their usual recreation and exercise activities and have absolutely no interest in stepping onto NSW soil.
“We need to take a leaf out of how other jurisdictions who share a river border and enable both their communities to recreate on the river, such as Canada and USA, rather than reverting back to the thinking of the 1800s.”
“What we are advocating for is a similar arrangement for the Murray River where Victorian’s can fish and launch boats from the Victorian side, but are not permitted to land on the NSW side, must not interact with any other water users and must return back to the Victorian side at the completion of their trip.
“Recreational fishers have demonstrated their ability to follow the rules and apply COVID-safe behaviours and practices.
“The risk of having an angler in tinny casting for Murray cod pales into insignificance with tens of thousands border crossings daily by road, more than 50 land crossings and hundreds of kilometres of land and river border with NSW.
“Surely there are more pressing issues right now than closing recreational boat ramps on the Victorian side of the Murray River?”
VRFish continues to push for fishing reforms for the Murray River and removal of red tape by advocating for reciprocal recreational fishing licensing arrangements between Victoria and NSW.

Jason Betheras with a nice gummy he recently caught off Lorne.

I would also like to remind everyone also to keep those photos coming in of your own big catch!
We will now even take older photos of your big catch previously if they have not yet been published
Photos: Please forward them to the email address below, with type of fish, weight, length, location, and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch. Email photos to [email protected].

Weather conditions are still influencing catches

Still a few whiting being caught
Lots of small pinkies undersize around
A few gummies have also been caught
Still some flathead being caught
The odd salmon catches off the local beaches and rocks continue
The odd gummy shark has also been reported.
Thanks to the Rusty Anglers Angling Club Anglesea

Barwon Heads
Reports out of Ocean Grove are pretty much the same when fishers can get out
Still reports of the occasional snapper
Reports of a few flathead
Whiting have been reported offshore in close
Salmon are still being reported
A few whiting and trevally are still being reported in the river.
Reports compliments of the Ocean Grove Angling Club

The first month of winter has been exceedingly kind with lots of calm days
The fishing has been pretty good with the water still sitting around the 13-degree mark
The sea is still full of plankton, jellyfish and krill which is keeping the food chain healthy
There is still lots of dolphins about rounding up the schools of small fish feeding on the krill
The flathead fishing has been the best winter run of flatties for as long as anyone can remember with some good-sized ones among them.
Lots of gummy and school sharks being caught but the swell or draughtboard sharks are a real nuisance now
The snapper are a bit patchy but if you can find a patch of them, they are on the chew with some good-sized ones being caught
Salmon have been very scarce
The pier is still fishing well with all the usual species being caught in good numbers.
Report thanks to the Lorne Aquatic & Angling Club

Weather is still having a big effect on fishing
Whiting have been reported
A few small pinkies and snapper reported
Flathead reports are few and far between
Gummy sharks and school shark are around
A few salmon still being reported off local beaches
Still some small bream reported in Spring Creek.
Reports compliments of the Torquay Angling Club

St Leonards reports when fishos get out consist mainly of King George whiting, flathead, squid, plus a few garfish and a few snapper
Clifton Springs reports a few snapper, along with whiting, calamari, gummy shark, and the occasional flathead
Queenscliff also seeing a few whiting, trevally, flathead, and a few squid
The Creek still is producing a few trevally and salmon
Swan Bay is seeing a few calamari, whiting and flathead near the mouth
Point Lonsdale is reporting a few salmon, trevally, whiting along with a few snapper
The White Lady is seeing a few whiting, calamari, and a few snapper
Indented Head reports a few flathead, King George whiting, along with a few snapper and calamari

Fishing Club Corner

Lorne Aquatic & Angling Club
Our next fishing competition is our second Winter Cup Comp sponsored by Hillec Electrical Services on August 2.
As usual the weigh in will start at midday and the cut off is 12.30pm according to the Commodore’s watch.
They will be supplying a free mixed grill to all competitors and members just after the presentations to the winners which is usually around 1pm.
All welcome, especially the juniors.
We need all the parents and grandparents out there to get the kids away from the screens and out into the fresh salt air and enjoy Mother Nature.
We now have a resident baby seal who has made the pier home. He or she has been a huge hit with the tourists and has starred in more photos than the Taj Mahal.

Bellarine Whiting Classic
Presented by St Leonards Angling & Bellarine Pirates Angling Club
Unfortunately for those just reading it, the competition started at 2pm on July 10 but it does go through until 2pm On July 19.
ENTRIES: $10 entry fee and form must be lodged prior to weigh in by email to [email protected] and pay by EFT “WC20.1 and your name“ to BSB 633-000 A/C 1348 73140.
LATE ENTRIES: Email and EFT must be received no later than 5pm on July 17.
For more information, phone Phil on 0411 215 146, Joe on 0403 287 103, or Peter on 0408 581 685.
Remember: if you are a angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, just email [email protected] and we will post your club news here.

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