My Big Catch: Funding boost for local fishing projects

August 27, 2020 BY

My Big Catch’s Garry Kerr caught this gummy shark on August 15 at Lorne. Amelia is holding the 17kg shark, which was more than 1.5m in length.

FISHERS in communities around the state will benefit from a dozen different recreational fishing projects thanks to a round of grants worth more than $1 million.
Minister for Fishing and Boating Melissa Horne said the grants will fund fish habitat projects and important infrastructure work to make fishing safer and more accessible.
The Gippsland Lakes will receive a major boost, with the East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority granted $110,000 to place woody habitat into lakes, which will provide more shelter and feeding sites for black bream, estuary perch and Australian bass.
The Australian Trout Foundation will receive $110,000 to deliver another year of the Victorian Trout Fisheries Management Program, which includes vital monitoring of river populations in the North East and Gippsland.
A further $163,000 will be used to monitor fishers’ catches in Port Phillip, Western Port, Corner Inlet and the Gippsland Lakes.
Report cards for 10 key native fisheries will continue for two more years thanks to a $120,000 grant.
This information is keenly digested by hundreds of people every year at the Murray Codference.
Other grants awarded include:

  • $39,000 for the North East Catchment Management Authority to install fish habitat at Katie Peters Reserve, near Eskdale
  • $23,000 to help OzFish Unlimited build shellfish reefs in the Tambo Bay area of the Gippsland Lakes
  • $22,000 for solar lighting along the St Helens rock wall in Geelong
  • $25,000 for the Hindmarsh Shire Council to create pedestrian and vehicle access to a new lake in Rainbow
  • $15,000 to realign and secure instream logs through Rochester to enable safe and open passage for fishers in boats
  • $60,000 for Fishcare school visits and fishing workshops
  • $24,000 for the North Central Catchment Management Authority to build more native fish habitat in Box-Pyramid Creek.

“These projects will boost fish habitat and infrastructure and encourage more people to get out on the water when it’s safe to do so,” Fishing and Boating MP Melissa Horne said.
“This investment will provide a significant boost for local communities to build infrastructure and create programs which make fishing safer and more enjoyable.”
The funding will also go towards the Victorian Fisheries Authority’s 2021 Recreational Fishing Guide, as well as fish length rulers and measures for rock lobsters and spiny crayfish.
The grants are funded by recreational fishing licence fees, and more information on recipients and their projects can be found at
I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone please keep those photos coming in of your own big catch!
Photos: Please forward them to the email address below, with type of fish, weight, length, location, and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch. Email photos to [email protected].

Fishing Reports
Weather conditions continue making it hard for all anglers
The reports below are based on past reports and a few current ones but fishing has really been bad across the board.

Whiting catches have been non-existent at the moment
The odd pinkie may still be caught but catches are few
The occasional Gummy Shark may still be around
Flathead are around but few in numbers
Still reports of some salmon off local beaches.
Thanks to the Rusty Anglers Angling Club Anglesea

Barwon Heads
Reports of some snapper on recent catches
A few flathead had been reported offshore
Whiting were being reported offshore at last reports
Salmon are still being reported off local beaches
River was seeing the occasional whiting and trevally being caught.
Reports compliments of the Ocean Grove Angling Club

The winter flathead are still on the go with most anglers catching their bag limit
Snapper are patchy with very few being caught
Gummy Sharks are biting pretty well with a few big ones about
King George Whiting are scarce but, still a few coming in
Nannygai, Swallowtail and Teraki are still being landed
The Pier has been a bit slow which is normal for this time of year but still producing the odd, whiting, salmon, calamari and snapper.
Report thanks to the Lorne Aquatic and Angling Club

Reports are few but whiting were being reported close inshore
As where small pinkies and snapper
Reports of flathead have been few and far between
The odd report of Gummy Shark being caught offshore had been received previously
Salmon are still being reported off local beaches
Spring Creek had small bream catches being reported.
Reports compliments of the Torquay Angling Club

St Leonards is still seeing reports of King George whiting, flathead, squid, and the occasional snapper
Clifton Springs snapper, whiting, calamari a few flathead, the odd gummy shark, have been reported
Queenscliff has seen reports of a few whiting, trevally, flathead being caught
The Creek continues to produce the occasional trevally and salmon
Swan Bay sees reports of the odd calamari, whiting and flathead being caught
Point Lonsdale salmon, trevally, whiting and snapper have all been reported
The White Lady reports whiting, along with calamari, and snapper.
Indented heads report flathead, King George whiting, snapper and calamari are still being reported.

Fishing Club Corner
If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, just email [email protected] and we will post your club news here.

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