My Big Catch: The revitalisation of shellfish reefs

July 30, 2020 BY

THE first series of Port Phillip Bay’s shellfish reefs restoration project begun in March 2017 and was completed in November 2018. The project is a partnership between the Victorian government, The Nature Conservancy and the Albert Park Yachting and Angling Club, which aims to revitalise shellfish reefs in Port Phillip. Shellfish reefs are one of the world’s most threatened marine habitats and once covered up to 50 per cent of Port Phillip Bay’s seafloor.
The project has used limestone rubble and recycled shell from Victoria’s restaurant industry to construct the reefs near Geelong and St Kilda, which were selected due to their suitability as they were originally home to shellfish reefs at the time of colonisation.
Shellfish reefs provide nursery habitat and over time will boost fish numbers, clean water and enhance marine biodiversity, which is good news for the environment and recreational fishers who frequent Port Phillip. The bay is home to vibrant snapper, whiting, calamari, and flathead fisheries, all of which benefit from the reefs.
Each year, one hectare of oyster reef:

  • Filters 2.7 billion litres of sea water
  • Removes 275kg of nitrogen and phosphate
  • Produces 375kg of fish
  • Is home to more than 100 marine species
  • Recycles 100 cubic metres of shell

An angling club that’s just not about fishing
The Rusty Anglers Fishing club in Anglesea, a community-based fishing club located on the Surf Coast, have shown their concern about the social effects COVID-19 is having on their local community.
They decided to help a couple of the following local community charities, FoodLink and Trinity Uniting Church Anglesea, who have both been providing emergency relief to those suffering hardships caused by COVID-19.
The committee has made a significant donation on behalf of the Rusty Anglers and they would hope that other angling clubs would also take up the challenge to help contribute to local organisations so that recreational anglers can truly help make a difference to those severely affected and in need of help during these most difficult times .
The suggestion itself has plenty of merit, as it would be nice to see ordinary, or not so ordinary people, doing their bit to help those who are currently finding it very hard to cope with the COVID-19 environment, due to no fault of their own!

Jack Addison caught a nice salmon off the Lorne Pier.

I would also like to remind everyone also to keep those photos coming in of your own big catch!
We will now even take older photos of your big catch previously if they have not yet been published
Photos: Please forward them to the email address below, with type of fish, weight, length, location, and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch. Email photos to [email protected]

Fishing Reports
Once again weather conditions are currently producing a less than ideal fishing environment for anglers.

Reports have slowed right down
The odd whiting are still being reported
Small undersize pinkies at last report were still around
Gummy shark reports while still current are few and far between
Flathead were being caught prior to conditions deteriorating
Salmon were still being caught off local beaches.
Thanks to the Rusty Anglers Angling Club Anglesea

Barwon Heads
Still snapper reports where continuing
A few reports of flathead
Reports of some whiting offshore
Some salmon are being reported off local beaches
Reports in the river are of the occasional whiting and trevally.
Reports compliments of the Ocean Grove Angling Club

Weather is still having an effect on fishing
Whiting had been reported close inshore
Small pinkies and snapper had been previously reported
Flathead reports had also been reported but things have slowed right down
Gummy sharks where being caught
As were a few some salmon off local beaches
Small bream catches in Spring Creek have been reported.
Reports compliments of the Torquay Angling Club

St Leonards had been reporting King George whiting, flathead, squid, as well as a few snapper
Clifton Springs was seeing a few snapper, whiting, calamari, gummy shark, as well as flathead
Queenscliff had been reporting a few whiting, trevally, flathead.
The Creek is said to be producing a few trevally and salmon
Swan Bay reports calamari, whiting and flathead near the mouth had been continuing
Point Lonsdale was reporting a few salmon, trevally, whiting and snapper
The White Lady still was seeing a few whiting, calamari, and snapper
Indented Head are still seeing reports a few flathead, King George whiting, snapper and calamari
In the bay some nice flathead have been reported.

Fishing Club Corner
If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, just email [email protected] and we will post your club news here.

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