National 4×4 Outdoors Show on this weekend

Elijah on his first day fishing. He didn’t catch anything but you couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.
It’s that time again!
This column along with National 4×4 Outdoors Show, Fishing & Boating Expo and My Big Catch Has 10 double passes to give away.
The 2019 National 4×4 Outdoors Show, Fishing & Boating Expo, will be held at the Melbourne Showgrounds, August 16-18.
All you have to do is send in your favourite picture of your most recent catch to [email protected].
Pics must be in .jpg format of at least one meg in size.
The first 10 senders of a photo will win a double pass to this event.
So, get those entries in if you wish to enjoy the fantastic 4×4 Outdoor Fishing and Boating show. Winners will be notified via email.
Fisheries warning
Two men were arrested by Fisheries Officers and Investigators in Melbourne’s western suburbs on recently for allegedly buying and selling fish illegally.
Victorian Fisheries Authority (VFA) Manager Statewide Investigations Group Brooke Hall said wholesale and retail premises were searched and a quantity of calamari squid was seized, along with a boat, fishing equipment and a Toyota four-wheel-drive vehicle belonging to one of the men.
A reminder is given to all that recreational fishers are not allowed to sell their catch. Only licensed commercial fishers can do that.
“Taking fish and unlawfully selling them into the retail chain undermines licensing arrangement for legitimate commercial fishers and puts their livelihoods at risk.
“Commercial fishers also comply with safe food handling practises so that seafood consumers are not put at risk.
“People acting as unlicensed commercial fishers are taking unregulated quantities of fish and have the potential to affect the sustainable management of Victoria’s valuable fisheries resources.”
“We know most recreational fishers do the right thing and don’t sell their catch, instead simply enjoying what’s been a great season for calamari squid in Port Phillip and Western Port.”
“Serious penalties apply including up to 10 years imprisonment, and the possible forfeiture of seized items.”
Fisheries are keen to hear from the public about any unlawful trade in fish or other seafood.
To report suspicious or illegal fishing activity call 13FISH (133474) anytime. You can remain anonymous. Make the call and make the difference.
Meanwhile, if you see or suspect illegal fishing activity any time, phone the 24-hour reporting line 13 FISH (13 3474).
Club Corner
If you are an angling club and you wish to let people know what’s going on within your club as well as help promote your club, email [email protected] and we will post your club news here
I would also like to remind everyone to keep those photos coming in of your big catch! Please forward them to [email protected], with type of fish, weight, length, location and your name. I am more than happy to place your photos in My Big Catch.
- Fishing conditions are still poor
- Salmon catches being reported off local beaches
- Reports of a few gummy shark being caught
- Reports of a few flathead and a few whiting
Barwon Heads
- Reports of a few snapper and pinkies still offshore when fishos can get out
- A few flathead offshore plus a few gummies
- Still a few reports of whiting, trevally and a few salmon in the river
- Salmon catches continue off local beaches.
- A few whiting have been caught offshore
- Salmon are being reported off local beaches
- Bream still being caught in Spring Creek.
- St Leonards has reports of King George whiting, flathead and squid and possibly a few gummy sharks
- Clifton Springs reports of few squid, a few whiting, and some flathead
- Queenscliff sees reports of whiting, flathead, salmon and squid offshore
- Reports of a few small salmon and some trevally being caught in the creek
- Swan Bay reports a few squid and some flathead
- Point Lonsdale has reports of salmon and the chance of a garfish
- The White Lady has reports of whiting, some squid and a few gummies
- Indented Head has snapper, some good flathead and King George whiting a few good squid are being reported.