New bronzies announced as Torquay SLSC preps for record summer

The Torquay SLSC's nine new additions to the patrolling team that will keep Torquay's beaches safe over the summer period. Photo: SUPPLIED
Torquay SLSC has added nine members to the team that will aid beachgoers over the summer months and be on standby to deal with potential situations that may arise at the Torquay’s popular beaches.
The nine patrollers are existing members and volunteers at the club but have now undergone the necessary bronze medallion education and training to now be qualified to patrol the beaches this season and assist with water safety during the Torquay SLSC’s nippers’ program.
The announcement of the club’s newest patrollers came as Torquay beaches prepare for what is expected to be an unprecedented turnout according to the club’s president Tiffany Quinlan.
“We are expecting a busy summer. People are looking to get away after two very challenging years,” Quinlan said.
“The focus is as always on ensuring everyone who comes to the beach goes home safely.
“We will work closely with the public to ensure everyone has a good time but remains safe.”
Quinlan also said that with a vast amount of knowledge at the club, upskilling new members is the key to maintaining a safe beach in the peak months of activity.
For member and newly-qualified patroller, Greg Minter, his son is in his third year of nippers at Torquay and his daughter will do her second year in the summer holiday program.
This and the need for more members to help out with water safety led to his decision to get his bronze medallion.
“I am 48 years old and a very average surfer but through completing the bronze medallion and joining the water safety team, I am able to contribute to the club,” Mr Minter said.
“More importantly, by showing my kids that I am not afraid to get out in the water and try something new, hopefully I am giving them the courage to overcome any fears they might have.”
The Torquay SLSC is using the number of visitors that arrived over the latest public holiday as an indicator for beachgoer numbers in the coming months.
“If Melbourne Cup weekend was anything to go by, we are expecting record numbers,” Quinlan said.
“We ask the public to be patient and respectful of others and listen to the advice and guidance given by the volunteer patrols.
“We are here to make you safe please help us do our job by swimming between the flags as all times.”
Patrol volunteers will begin patrolling duties from November 27.
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