Portarlington Golf Club – April 19, 2018

April 18, 2018 BY

OUR ladies began their much-anticipated Pennant season this week with four teams entered. Our Division 1 team, comprising Jenny Edmanson, Bec Waldron, Angela Foott, Jacky Rowe and Jeanette Barclay got of to the perfect start with a 5-0 victory over Anglesea. Division 3 were no match for Lonsdale, goung down 4-1, Division 4 secured a solid 3-2 win over 13th Beach, with the Division 6 season not yet started. Our Men’s Senior Pennant teams have also got off to a good start, with our Division 2 team sitting mid-ladder after 3 rounds, and Division 4 perched on top of the ladder undefeated so far. Keep up the good work fellas!

Tuesday April 10, Men’s Stableford
A perfect autumn day brought out 154 men, with a couple of 44s heading the field. One of them was by Bernie Duffy, who collected Trophy of the Day and C Grade from Ron McLaughlin’s 41, the other by Ian Flanders winning D Grade from Adrian Higginbotham’s 40. Top A Grader was John Turner with 40 (including an eagle on the 16th) ahead of Brian Bell’s 39, and a 42 by Peter Nash topped B Grade from John Cranston’s 40. NTPs were won by Mark Anderson, Brian Kelly and Scott Hopgood, with Brian Hazell collecting the ProPin.

Wednesday April 11, Ladies’ Stroke
A total of 66 ladies, including seven who played in the optional stableford event took part in the 1st round of the Captains Trophy. Helen Barry took out the top award with a nett 71, also winning B Grade on a countback from Alison Kennedy. Marg Howell was best A Grader with 72 on a countback from Pat Peacock, and Susan May topped the C Graders with 74 from Sandra Kearton on a countback. Both NTPs went to Liz Brown, Pat Peacock (0-25) and Chris Watson (26-45) got the ProPins, and Jeanette Barclay putted brilliantly with 24 putts to top that award.

Saturday April 14, Men’s and Ladies Par
The weather completely collapsed on us with gale-force winds and horizontal rain, which kept many from playing, and others from finishing their round. However, there were 81 starters and 57 finishers who braved the conditions, all deserving a medal, or a free consultation with the Psychiatrist! (just joking fella’s – I think!). Rhys Brown emerged unscathed with an excellent 2 up to win the day and D Grade from Patrick Kennedy who was square. Barry Lincoln was also +2 winning C Grade from Dennis Kelly’s square, Nipper Dodds topped the B Graders with 0 ahead of David McCutcheon’s -2, and Phill Toyne and Max Edmanson both finished square to top the A Graders. NTP’s were collected by Nipper Dodds, Max Edmanson and Dennis Wood, and Sean Walton got the ProPin.

Coming Events
Saturday April 21: Men’s and Ladies’ Stableford
Tuesday April 24: Men’s Stableford
Wednesday April 25: Anzac Day Men’s and Ladies’ Stableford
Thursday April 26: Men’s and Ladies’ Stableford

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