The Sands Torquay – April 26, 2018

April 30, 2018 BY

Wednesday – Men’s Stableford (Blue Tees)
A field if 74 entrants. Grade ‘A’ with Scott Rixon (4) with 39 points over Andrew Stephens (9) on countback. Grade ‘B’- has Tom Nelson (14) with 40 points over Richard Metcalf (24) on 37 points. Balls down the line to 34 points. NTP for hole 5 goes to Richard Hammet. Hole 13 is John Eddington.

Thursday – Ladies Stableford
Jan Swain (19) takes the contest with 38 points over Lynne Hyett (24) with 37 points. Balls down the line to 35 points. NTP on hole 5 belongs to Judith Campbell-Stewart and for hole #13 Kerry Bond in the winner.

Saturday– Men’s Stableford (White Tees)
A field of108 participants showed up to take advantage of the perfect weather conditions on white tees. Grade ‘A’ with Brett Balloch (3) on 42 points over Simon Burris (5) on 41 points. Grade ‘B’ was dominated by Alex Makkreel (12) sitting with 43 points over Terry Beggs (14) on 40 points. Grade ‘C’ belongs to Bill Fawkes (21) with 42 points over Chris Nunan (27) on 41 points. Balls down the line to 37 points. NTP for hole #5 is Louis McFadden, hole #7 is Luke Vassallo, hole #13 is Luke Muller and finally for hole #17 Michael Yates is the winner. A few great scores were recorded as well. Simon Burris marked down for Eagle on hole #3 and Rod Hyett for an Eagle on hole #18.

Saturday – Ladies Stableford (Gold Tees)
Marg Hales (10) on top with 38 points over Jan Selvay (30) with 37 points. Balls down the line to 34 points. NTP for hole #5 belongs to Merlene Whitnall.

Sunday – Medley Stableford (Blue and Red Tees)
Perfect conditions for golf today, the sun is shining and the wind is nowhere to be seen. Peter Davies (13) won today’s competition with a score of 35 points, with Ken Best (26) coming runner-up on 33 points. The ball pool went down to 32 points.

Coming events
Thursday April 26 – Ladies Canadian 4somes
Friday April 27 – Golf Week
Saturday April 28 – Golf Week
Sunday April 29 – Golf Week

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