The Sands Torquay – July 26, 2018

July 25, 2018 BY

Wednesday, July 18
4BBB Stableford off the Blue tees today. Weather made conditions extremely tough for the 67 participants out on the course. In first place was Craig Willian and Stephen Bryant, who scored a brilliant 45 points. Runner up on the day was Terry Beggs and Geoffrey Proposch, who scored 41 points. The ball pool ran down the line to 39 points. Nearest to pins went to Jim Demetrious on the 5th (2.17m) and Andrew Stephens on the 13th (1.52m).

Thursday, July 19
Par off the Red tees for the ladies today. It was Lisa Reade [22] was the winner of the day, finishing up square for the day. Merlene Whitnall [32] ended up with a score of -3, which was good enough for runner up. The ball pool ran down the line to -5. Nearest to pins on the day went to Merlene Whitnall on the 5th hole and Rae Rayner on the 13th hole.

Saturday, July 21
Stroke off the Blue tees for the Men. Cold morning and a nice afternoon saw 90 participants hit the course., meaning a three grade competition was started. In A-Grade, Ivan Kevric [10] came out on top in a tightly contested competition, winning on c/b over Geoffrey Proposch [10]. Both players finished up with a great score of Nett 72. In B-Grade, it was another barnstorming competition, leading to another c/b win. This time it was Alex McMahon [12] pipping John Thompson [12], with both lads dominating on Nett 68. In C-Grade, it was Bill Trethowan [27] coming out on top with Nett 69 over the runner up Paul Martonhelyi [25] who closed his round with a score of Nett 71. The ball pool for the day ran down the line to Nett 73. Nearest to pins for the day went to Paul Sexton (5th hole, 1.48m), Luke Vassallo (7th hole, 2.35m), Greg Howell (13th hole 1.15m) and Hayden Coles (17th hole, 0.75m).

It was Stableford off the Gold Tees for the Ladies competition. It was Marianne Bridgart [21] who was the winner in a very close competition, finishing up on 36 points. The runner up was Judy Hodgkins [36] on c/b with 35 points. The ball pool for the day ran down the line to 35 points c/b. The nearest to pin for the day went to Marg Hales (17th hole, 5.00m).

Sunday, July 22
Stableford off the Blue Tees and Red Tees in today’s Medley competition. Conditions could not have been better throughout the day, with the sun shining and only a slight breeze. Luke Muller (3) continued his purple patch to record 36 points from Craig Willian (12) on 35 points.

Coming events
Thursday – Stableford (Gold)
Saturday – Par (Blue, Red)
Sunday – Stableford (Medley)

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