The Sands Torquay – October 5, 2017

November 7, 2017 BY

Wednesday (Men’s Stableford)
A great day for golf with the sun out for the majority of the day and light winds. Ian Davis (19) has become somewhat of a regular in the winner’s circle of late recording 41 points to win Wednesday’s event from Jeff Treloar (17) also on 41 points. Well done to Jeff who is making a comeback to golf in recent times! Special mention to Ivan Kevric (11) who produced a great round on 40 points, Ian Parton (36) on 38 points and Chris Coutts (18) on 37 points. The ball pool ran down to 34 points on a countback. No surprise with the NTPs with both of the top scores taking them, Jeff Treloar on the 5th hole and Ian Davis on the 13th. Well done to Colin Chinn for winning this year’s Winter Classic Playoffs with a dominant performance all season.

Thursday (Ladies Par)
Another windy day for the ladies, which is becoming quiet the common occurrence. A couple of great performances in Margaret Stewart (33) on +3 and Eva Chappell (39) on +1. Today’s ball pool ran down to square. Nearest the pins went to Jan Constance on the 5th hole and Di Cox on the 13th.

Saturday (Grand Final Day Gentsomes)
A tough day out on the course with strong wind and light showers passing throughout the day. A new gentsomes format was trialled and feedback was good with a nice-sized field playing today. Club Captain Alan Hartley picked his team well and went on to win the day’s event with the help of Jim Demetrious, Tom Nelson and Paul Ludowyk recording 107 points. Second place was taken by the Barretts and the Chappells on 105 points. Nearest the pins went to Gav Saunders and Maggie Juniper on the 5th hole, par three sniper Dom Lombardi on the 7th hole, The Bishop on the 13th and Dean Smith on the 17th hole. The ball pool went to 100 points.

Sunday Stableford
A good-sized field showed up for competition this morning after what appeared to be a big grand final day for some. Cool conditions welcomed the golfers with showers throughout the day. Gavin Macrae (22) racked up many a three-pointer and a four-pointer on his way to victory on 35 points from the long-bombing Brooks twin Rod (8) on 34 points who scrubbed the last hole. The ball pool went down to 32 points today.

Coming events
Thursday October 5 – Stroke Medal -Match Play Qualifying
Saturday October 7 – Stroke Medal – Match Play Qualifying
Sunday October 8 – Stableford

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