TORQUAY GOLF CLUB – February 28, 2019

February 28, 2019 BY

TUESDAY was a chance for the ladies to hone in their match play skills with the Presidents V Captains match play round. Players were either playing for the President or the captain depending on where your name was on the timesheet.

Matches were very close and most of the ladies enjoyed the challenge and were impressed with how far their match went. We now hope they are all ready for the Pennant season! Which is not far away, and we wish all our ladies the best for the season, go Torquay. Well our winners this year by just a couple was our President’s team, Gail Rooney was proud as punch of her players, not only was she smiling but chocolates were handed out to all the winning girls. That was worth the win just for the chocolates!

Wednesday Tim Sinnott was our A Grade winner shooting 42 points. B Grade went to Graeme Nash also with 42 points. C Grade winner Greg Touzel had 41 points and D Grade was won by Jack tanner 45 points. Resort winner Don Jennings shot an impressive 45 points.

Super 6 winners for this round Blue tees: Neil Henderson 17 points, Green tees: Graeme Sharp 15 points. Guest winner Paul Tabley (Gen Y) had 34 points. NTPs Bob Manning, Steve Trainor, Daryl Sceney, Dave McPhail, Dominic Condon and Dave Kilmartin hit the jackpot.

Friday Ian Foot shot 43 points to take out A Grade. B Grade went to Ray Frost with what is the score of the year so far 47 points. Barbara Yound-Harding took out the ladies scoring 44 points. Guest winner Blake Mios (Riversdale GC) had 40 points. NTPs Ado Cations, Sue Barnes, Barbara Young-Harding, Geoff Lamont and Greg Bradley hit the jackpot.

Saturday Jack Jin had 40 points to take out A Grade. B Grade went to Ron Haeberle with 39 points. C Grade winner Tony Tobler shot 39ts and D Grade was won by Boyd Williams 43 points. Ladies winner Ronnie Beacom had 40 points and taking out the Resort Harry Knevitt 44 points. Devon Hassell took out the mixed guest competition with 43 points. NTPs Annette
Joyce and Lyn Wilson, Bob Gough, Dave McPhail, Gary Watson, Peter Rees, Andy Moore and Garry Bath the jackpot.

Sunday was our Foursomes championships which is played over 36 holes then the top 8 teams will play match play against one another until we have our Ivor McIvor champions. Daily winners were AM net winners Ray Furphy and Chris Benson 65 and PM net winners Stuart Hill and Tom Butler also on 65. Congratulations to our overall winners, Gross Ray Furphy and Chris Benson 152 and our Net Stuart Hill and Tom Butler 137. Our singles morning competition winner was Colin Gibbs with 41 points. Mixed guest winner Lauren Gibson (Kooringal GC) had 35 points. NTPs Dave McPhail, Colin Gibbs and Barry Morrison hit the jackpot.

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