TORQUAY GOLF CLUB – June 27, 2019

June 27, 2019 BY

TUESDAY June 18 – the ladies held their Community Services day in which they raise money for local charities. We had a lovely stall selling homemade cakes, jams etc to help with much needed funds. Eighty-six ladies also played in the Irish 4BBB Stableford game with our winning team hailing from Inverleigh Golf Club, the girls shot 119 which took out 1st place by 2 shots. The team consisted off Lesley Johns, Ann Waayers, Sue Lamb and Janet Barras. Runners pp were Margot Bradley, Lesley Beltrame, Kaylene Potter and Sue Barnes. Thank you to all of the ladies, subcommittee and all of our cooks for their efforts in raising over $1000.

Wednesday June 19 – Taking out A grade this week was Garry Lenehan who shot 40 points, B grade was won by David Rae with 38 points on a countback, while Marty Stewart rounded out the winners with 39 points also on a countback in C grade. The Super 6 was won by Alf Anderson, who had 16 points on a countback. NTPs Trevor Doolan, Bernie Hallinan, Garry Smith, Keith Marinner and Dan Schroter with the Jackpot. The Resort competition was won by Harry Knevitt who had 32 points, while Harry also took out the Resort Super 6 with 11 points on a countback.

Friday June 21 – We saw a mixed competition take place, A grade was won by Arthur Crofts who shot 37 points, while B grade was taken out by Steve May who won with 34 points on a countback. Paul Brunt had the only Eagle for the day on the 18th. NTPs Nathan Edwards, Les Norman and Garry Smith with the Jackpot.

Saturday June 22 – 146 entrants competed in the Men’s Stableford, with A grade taken out by John Calnin who had 39 points, B grade was won by John Barnes who had 40 points, and finally C grade was taken out by former golf shop member Sam Vandermark who also had 40 points. Sam also took out the Men’s Super 6 on the day with a ripping 20 points across his final 6 holes. NTPs Ross Duff, Ed Robertson, Paul Palimaka, Geoff Lamont and Jarrod Young took out the Jackpot. 10 Ladies also competed on the day with Ronnie Beacom turning out the best score with 31 points, the Ladies Super 6 was also won by Ronnie with 12 points. NTP Lesley Thornton. The Resort competition on the day was won by Ian Lawson who won with 37 points on a countback, while the corresponding Super 6 was won by John Burton with 13 points. The winner of the mixed
guest competition was Darren Naylor (Rosebud Country Club) who had 33 points.

Sunday June 23 – A mixed competition was once again played, Brad Thompson took out A grade honours with 36 points, while B grade was won by the ever-humble Darryl Moss with 40 points. NTPs Laurie Cook, Matthew Murphy and Nick Eccleston with the Jackpot. The mixed guest competition was won by Lyndon Gasking (GenY) with 34 points on a countback.

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