Torquay Golf Club – October 19, 2017

November 21, 2017 BY

MONDAY Ambrose and our men’s winning team of Bob Manning, Phillip Brown, Greg Baeck and Peter Mahony had 55.375.

Gross winners were Barrie Joyner, Chris Conden, Rod Brown and Brendan Jackson with 61. The ladies’ winners were Robyn Hickey, Helen Dixon, Jenny Emanuelle and Brenda Cronin from Warrnambool with 59. The gross win went to Ronnie Beacom, Heather Dixon, Cheryl Brunt and Alison Bouchier 68. NTPs Chris Oliver, Rod Brown, Chris Conden, Ronnie Beacon, Kaylene Potter, Robyn Westacott, Lynne Downes and Herb Hertaeg won the jackpot.

Tuesday the ladies played stroke and winning the Traralgon Plate gross with 79 was Dee Matheson. Louise Watach (Queens’s Park) won the Challenge Cup net scoring 68. Div 2 gross winner was Rita Zenk (Queens Park) 93 and net winner Ros Holland (Angelsea)had 71. Div 3 gross winner Margy McIntrye had 103 and net winner Ruth Dickins 78. The Zeally Bay Cup went to the Anglesea team of Ros Holland, Vida Brenner, Robyn Schepers and Barb Croaker with 219. NTPs Helen Stratton, Vikki Hannah, Kathy Naoumidis, Di Liley and Vida Brenner hit the jackpot. Later that night the girls let their hair down for the annual dinner party. We hear the Umpa Lumpas, the King and I, Sister Act and the Sound of Music casts all made a hilarious appearance.

Wednesday, it was 4BBB stableford with Greg Libbis and Don Forsyth taking 1st place with 48 points. The ladies’ winners were Caroline Farrow and Judy Rae (Rossdale) 50 points. NTPs Andrew Kibbis, Sally Warburton, Inge Oliver, Lynne Downes, Julie Fraser, Chris Humphrey, Jeff Siedlecki, Rob Templeton and Bob Manning hit the jackpot.

Friday there were two shotgun starts, one in the morning and an afternoon one. Our morning winners were Chris Thompson with 39 points and Kerry Castleman 33 points. NTPs Jim Nicola, Mark Thompson, Errol Morris, Chris Thompson, Di Liley, Pam Stribley, Gail Rooneyand Peter Garland
hit the jackpot. Afternoon winners were Mark Whelan (13th Beach) 37 points and Pamela Jones 37 points. NTPs Inge Oliver, Lois Matthew, Andy Clark, Greg Wilson, Bob Widdison, Peter Mann and Kiernan Halliburton hit the jackpot.

Saturday Tyson Gill (Commonwealth) took out the Torquay open Challenge cup Div 1 Black Tee gross win with 138. Div 1 net winner David Chiswell (Royal Park) had 141. Torquay Minor scratch gross Div 2 Blue Tee winner Eric Welsh (Ocean Grove) 168. Net winner Kelvin Paddle (Barwon Valley) 144. The morning Div 1 Black Tee net winner was Matthew Sellars (La Trobe) 70 and Div 2 Blue Tee went to Ron Fish 67. 18-hole afternoon Black Tee Bill Haddrell (Yarra Yarra) 68 and Blue Tee winner was Bruce Dyer 70. NTPs David Rees, Rob Young, Andrew Carr, Stewart Drayton and Garry Lenehan.

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