Torquay Golf Club – October 5, 2017

November 7, 2017 BY

TUESDAY was Stableford for the Ladies and our A Grade winner with a score of 33 was Trudy Bath. The B Grade winner was Marg DeVries who scored 35. In terms of C Grade, the winner was Jenny McGaw achieving a score of 34. The resort ladies also played Stableford, with Barbara Barnes being the overall winner with a score of 36 points. For the Super 6 ladies competition, the winner was Liz Barrow with a score of 16 points.

Meanwhile, in the Super 6 ladies resort competition, the winner was Norma Veale who posted a score of 15 points. NTPs Wendy Lawson, Lyndsey Dunstan, Angela Worthy, Pam, Noel Orwin, Pam Stribley and Jenni Cottrill hit the jackpot.

Wednesday was Stableford for the men and our A Grade winner with a score of 41 was John Calnin. The B Grade winner was John Anderson scoring 40 points. C Grade winner Ray Fitzgerald achieved a score of 45 points. The D Grade went to Graham Taylor with a score of 42 points. Men’s resort overall winner was Ross Forbes with a score of 43 points. NTPs Dennis Abbey, James Wood, Brett Duyvestyn, Richard Ibbotson, John Vale and Rick McNamara hit the jackpot.

Friday, Peter Rees was back in form and scored +3 to win A Grade. B Grade winner John Corcoran shot the score of the day +5. Anne Milligan won the ladies with -1. The men’s guest winner was Rodney Clark with sq and for the ladies Sandy Wijeratne (Northern GC) had -3. NTPs Wayne Bent, Wanda Paterson and Gordon McComb hit a very close shot on the 17th to win the jackpot.

Saturday was a shotgun start early as players were eager to get home to watch Richmond become premiers after 30 years. Go Tigers! The men’s A Grade competition winner was Evan Huebner with 40 points. B Grade went to Ian Sumner scoring 39 points. Marg Joyner had the best score for the ladies 33 points. Our guest winner Gareth Park shot 37 points. NTPs Joe Cengic, Lyn Brady, Barry Shipsides, Max Simpson,Marg Joyner, Evan Huebner and Mark Rosewall hit the jackpot.

Sunday the morning field played stableford and with 36 points Martin Hooiveld finished 1st. Then at 12.30 we had the first of our Golf Week events, which was 4BBB Medley Stableford.

Our winners were Arthurand Kathy Naoumidis from Mentone GC with 49 points and Kathy also won the flat screen TV for her NTP on the 15th. Runners-up went to Terry and Kellie Baker Yarra Yarra GC with 47 points. For further results go to the member’s website or for visitors you can view them on the Torquay Golf Club website they will be available to see on the front page.

Darrell Brown will be available for lessons Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Golf Shop News: our course will be closed from October 9-12 for renovations. It will open again on October 13.

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