About: vinnievanoorschot

Posts by: vinnievanoorschot

September 22, 2021

New arts venture to capture city’s COVID-19 experience

A SERIES of workshops will aim to capture the region's collective experience of COVID-19 over the past 18 months through art-making, in a new...

September 21, 2021

Local communities pull together to get Wheels for Emma

RESIDENTS of Ocean Grove and Barwon Heads have long been known for their ability to pull together for a common cause, which has been...

September 19, 2021

AFL Barwon sounds the final siren on 2021

THE few remaining sides that were hoping to compete for premiership glory will need to push back their ambitions to 2022. AFL Barwon has today...

September 15, 2021

Locals step up to the challenge for Steptember

AN AUSTRALIAN child is diagnosed with cerebral palsy every 20 hours and it is the most common physical disability in childhood today. Throughout the month...

September 14, 2021

Red Cross to provide first aid skills to young people through TikTok for World First Aid Day

FIRST aid training is not compulsory in Australian schools or the application process for driver licenses, so Australian Red Cross is taking a different...

September 13, 2021

SPAN Walk to proceed virtually this year for suicide awareness

THE Hope Bereavement Centre based in Geelong will continue its annual Suicide Prevention Awareness Network (SPAN) Walk virtually this Sunday to maintain raising awareness...

September 11, 2021

Young artists on the Bellarine encouraged to brush up

COVID-19 continues to have a profound effect on young people across the region, but Bellarine Community Health (BCH) may have the perfect outlet for...

September 10, 2021

Jan Juc teen raises funds to make his own wave

SURFERS from across the country and here on the Surf Coast are using their love of the waves to raise money for SurfAid’s programs...

September 10, 2021

Offshore sand set to restore Northern Bellarine beaches

CONTRACTORS will use a sand-sourcing vessel to harvest the top layer of mobile sand bars, aiming to collect 35,000 cubic metres of sand and...

September 9, 2021

Benson wins Mathieson Medal, Sheringham and Honner share top A Grade honour

ST MARY'S had plenty of success on both an individual and a collective scale as one of their own was rewarded with the prestigious...

September 9, 2021

Are they really okay on R U OK? Day?

NINE Australians each day lose their lives to suicide, which is more than double the death toll on our roads each year according to...

September 8, 2021

Riders ready to take on Great Vic Bike Ride later this year

THIS year’s 37th annual Great Victorian Bike Ride is just under three months away and some of Western Victoria’s biggest attractions will headline the...

September 6, 2021

Tips for good mental health at home during lockdowns

LIFELINE is encouraging everyone to implement daily practices to maintain a healthy lifestyle as the region grapples with lockdown 6. The suicide prevention service and...

August 27, 2021

AFL Barwon releases ‘Return to Play 4.0’

FOLLOWING the Victorian Government’s pause on community sport on August 20, the AFL Barwon Commission has adjusted the remaining fixture dates, as the sporting...

August 23, 2021

AFL Barwon to hold this season’s junior vote counts online

THE cancellation of community sport over the weekend has meant other footballing events have had to be altered to keep in line with the...

August 22, 2021

Climate activist group takes to the sand following latest IPCC report

MORE than 30 people from the Australian Parents for Climate Action (AP4CA) and residents of Ocean Grove spent their Saturday morning expressing their concerns...

August 21, 2021

Bellarine Railway back on track

VISITORS flocked to one of the Bellarine’s biggest hotspots over the weekend as COVID-19 restrictions were loosened last week in regional Victoria. The Bellarine Railway...

August 20, 2021

Produce Tree continues to grow in Portarlington

THE Portarlington Produce Tree is looking forward to expanding their workload after getting the green light to make new additions to their community gardens. Building...

August 18, 2021

Lifesavers celebrated for their 2021 efforts at LSV awards night

LIFESAVERS from around the region have been recognised for all their hard work this past year at the annual LSV Awards of Excellence Ceremony. Plenty...

August 15, 2021

Ocean Grove’s onslaught proves too much for Anglesea

A BLISTERING opening quarter from the Ocean Grove Grubbers (15.14.104) was enough to keep the Anglesea Kangaroos (8.12.60) at bay during today’s elimination final...

August 14, 2021

Modewarre pulls away in the third to down Barwon Heads

A SUPERB third quarter saw the Modewarre Warriors run away with today’s Qualifying Final against Barwon Heads Seagulls at Portarlington Reserve. The result sets up...

August 12, 2021

Shire launches Youth Census coinciding with International Youth Day

THE Surf Coast Shire will test its presumptions on the region’s youth when it launches one of the biggest data collecting projects to date...

August 12, 2021

Heartfelt reason to get silly for Red Nose Day

MORE than 3,000 babies pass away each year unexpectedly from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and this year people from all over the Bellarine,...

August 8, 2021

Surf Coast artist helps usher in new dawn of exhibitions

THE Big Boom and Boom Gallery based in Newtown has several exhibitions coming up between mid-August and early-September, including the work of one of...