An unparalleled educational offering

Christian College Geelong develops an atmosphere of care and concern for each student’s character growth and well-being.
Every student has their own gifts and talents and embarks on a unique educational journey as they progress through school.
With this in mind, Christian College Geelong offers wide-ranging curriculum options at all levels, giving every student the opportunity to flourish as they learn and develop.
Our programs from Kindergarten and Prep through to Year 12 are unparalleled in their depth and breadth in our region.
At Junior School level, our well-resourced core and specialist subjects enable students to engage in activities and acquire skills to be both independent and collaborative learners, while fostering curiosity about their world and involvement in their own learning.
Our experienced classroom and specialist teachers bring a passion to their teaching that is contagious.
Specialist areas of study in Prep through to Year 4 include Art, Music, Japanese, Health and Physical Education, Library and Digital Technologies.
Our classroom and extra-curricular activities provide students with the opportunity to discover their gifts and passions as they navigate their course through school and take ownership of their learning and development.

Activities encompass a wide range of interests and endeavours, including music, sport, community service, creative arts, performance and more.
In a world where so much changes so quickly, where it seems the only certainty is uncertainty, we believe it is critical that a young person’s educational journey occurs in an environment underpinned by a foundation of unchanging Christian values.
Values that enable each one of us to be the best version of who we can be.
Our College develops an atmosphere of care and concern for each student’s character growth and well-being.
In our classrooms, our local community or through an array of excursions, camps, interstate and international tours, our students benefit from meaningful, real-world, experiential learning.
And our teachers work in a culture where going above and beyond benchmarks of excellence to create the best possible learning environment, is an expectation.
Experience what a Christian College education could do for your young person – head to today and book a tour, or phone 5241 1899.
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