Beyond Ocean Grove: Virtual healthcare – creating the buzz in a complicated time

Beyond are offering both 1 on 1 mat pilates sessions and 6 on 1 pilates sessions depending on the needs of their clients.
If COVID-19 has taught us anything, it is the need to adapt, to innovate and embrace opportunity.
With social restrictions in place, many people are finding themselves navigating the new space of working from home or even homeschooling. It is safe to say that life as we know it, is a very different space. So now more than ever, it is important that we are staying active, healthy and looking after our physical and mental health. For some, it is not possible to attend an osteopath appointment, join a pilates class, or attend the gym. So how can we assure that our community continues to move through life when our world has been turned upside down?
Welcome to the Virtual world of healthcare: a space where clients and clinicians interact via communications technology in the form of “virtual consultations”. The team at Beyond have been offering Virtual Osteopathy consultations in the form of telehealth calls, and virtual Pilates classes via a platform called zoom for the past few months with huge success. Before COVID-19, many of us would not have thought about a video consultation to address a headache, back ache or ankle sprain, but the reality is, we have needed to adapt, and we have learnt that this type of care is not only easy to access, but incredibly beneficial.
I know what you are thinking, how can my osteopath treat me without hands on? Am I going to be taught to self manipulate my back? To the later, the answer is sadly no, I cannot teach you a 5 year university degree in a 30 minute consultation, but I can equip you with the tools and advise you need to aid your recovery. Let’s break it down and I am sure you will agree, that the virtual health care world is one you want to be a part of.
Appointment structure
A standard consultation is made up of a thorough history, an examination, a treatment and a management plan. As you can see, the actual treatment is a very minimal part of each session, and in the virtual world we can still offer you: a thorough history, an examination, a treatment and a management plan. At the end of every session, our clients are emailed a management plan with specific advice on exercises and self management techniques including computer ergonomics, heat and cold therapy, and self release techniques. The magic in being a great osteopath is not in the hands on skills, it is the diagnostics that allows us to determine which tissues need to be released to allow your body to recover.
Treatment type
The difference in the virtual space is in what makes up the treatment component of a consultation. Once we have determined the tissues that need to be released in your condition, we can appropriately prescribe a combination of soft tissue techniques (using foam rollers and spiky balls) and exercises (think theraband work, body weight exercises and stretches) to help you get back on track. This not only helps you to stay active, it also empowers you to be able to self manage your symptoms in the future.
Virtual clinical pilates
For many of us, the use of a gym at the moment is simply not feasible, and the depth of home equipment is pretty low. When it comes to looking after your wellbeing, exercise is pivotal, and now more than ever we need to stay active. Beyond are offering both 1 on 1 mat pilates sessions and 6 on 1 pilates sessions depending on the needs of our clients. A 1 on 1 session allows real time feedback on technique for those who need it, where a 6 on 1 session gives our clients a social outlet and some structure to their day. Having a qualified practitioner guide you through a rehab program is far more beneficial than you tubing a crop top wearing instructor which more often than not results in an injury.
Beyond Ocean Grove is at 74 The Parade, Ocean Grove. Phone 5255 3411.