Learn from failures and try again

March 17, 2023 BY

The little things you do today, and tomorrow, and the next day, truly matter!

Some people get this idea that we don’t ever fall short and fail miserably sometimes!

Of course we do — it’s human. We all fall short, make mistakes, and fail at things far more than anyone could imagine, and certainly far more than we’d often like to admit.

This can mean we all lose a little faith in ourselves at times! It’s normal!

Own up, be accountable, learn a lesson or two, and then get back up to try again.

This is the most important part — the trying again…never, ever give up!

Failing at eating healthy and exercising sometimes, try again.

Failing at being a great mum, dad, husband, wife, especially when distracted or busy, or tired, keep trying.

When you try again and again, you often succeed and feel much better about yourself in the long run.

What you do again and again, defines you!

Many of the most meaningful results you will ever achieve in your life — the milestones, the relationships, the love, the lessons — come from the little things you do repeatedly, every single day.

Regardless of your unique talents, knowledge, life circumstances, or how you personally define success and happiness, you don’t suddenly become successful and happy.

You become successful and happy over time based on your willingness to try again and again — to create little daily rituals that amass gradual progress, through thick and thin.

If there’s only one thing you take away from this article, let it be that trying again — giving yourself another chance every day — is always worth it.

Too often young and old people alike overestimate the significance of one big defining moment and underestimate the value of making good decisions and small steps of progress on a daily basis.

Keep reminding yourself that the vast majority of the results in your life — positive and negative alike — are the product of many small decisions made over time.

The little things you do today, and tomorrow, and the next day, truly matter!

Small, repeated, incremental efforts will get you there. It doesn’t happen in an instant, but it does happen a lot faster than not getting there at all.

And if you mess up occasionally?

Own it, forgive yourself, and try again.

Appreciate where you are, try again and never, ever, give up!


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