What’s your emergency plan?

February 17, 2022 BY

Mentors help empower youths through LifeChanger programs.

There are a number of tools we all need in our personal toolkit to navigate life.

At LifeChanger we work with thousands of young people and part of that work is helping them develop tools and skills they can use to maximise their talents, find their way, cope with adversity and reach the potential each one of them has.

One thing we all need is an ’emergency plan’. Life is great but it is not always fair, and it can be incredibly challenging.

Life has a way of throwing challenges at you: Waking up depressed. Feeling unmotivated. Getting blindsided with news that a loved one has died. Or that your job has been “eliminated.”

All this stuff can throw us for a loop and can very easily, if we’re not careful, send us into a downward spiral.

It’s critical to have emergency routines that you can rely on when unavoidable circumstances shake your foundation, when life throws one of those curve balls your way.

We all need a go to plan that brings us back to centre, allowing us to pause, regroup and keep moving forward.

Work out what works for you. Pick up your journal. Spend a few minutes meditating. Breathe, deeply!

Call somebody else and help them, be of service. Often focusing on someone else’s problems is a great way to prevent you from indulging your own.

Emergency routines can vary by person and by circumstance. For one person it could be reading, for another when things are getting chaotic at work or home, it might be listening to music, or finding that exercise that reduces the pressure and anxiety when the negative internal voice gets a little too loud.

For some, getting in or near the ocean or into nature is the go-to fix.

What you choose doesn’t matter. What matters is that you choose and that what you choose works for you.

The point is … you need a plan. Because at times life is going to challenge us, trigger us, kick us around. We cannot expect otherwise.
What we can do is be prepared and be ready to respond.

We can be in an ‘athletic stance’ ready to tackle whatever comes our way! Having a good emergency routine when that moment of difficulty arrives is a great tool to have in the toolkit!

What’s yours?

Infinite Possibilities!


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