Buy Surf Coast: The only constant is change

June 11, 2020 BY

Saltair Spa is excited to welcome clients back to their luxurious spa.

While we have all been excited to return to our favourite restaurants, cafes, shops, day spas and other local businesses, remember that things are going to look a little different for some time to come.

Like many of us, our local businesses have gone through an extremely challenging time, both professionally and personally. And in many cases, their battle is far from over.
They’re doing everything they can to adapt, but it will take time for them to really find their rhythm again.
By working together and being careful, we can all enjoy life’s simple pleasures: a meal out with friends, browsing your favourite shop, a spa pamper treatment.
The gradual easing of state government restrictions means more local businesses are now back up and running, including Saltair Spas.
Saltair Spa manager Rachel said that after several weeks of closure, its Torquay Day Spa and Health Spa were now open for business.
“We’re just as excited as our clients to be back and offering our full range of treatments again. The phone has
been ringing constantly – many of our regulars have a little bit of catching up to do.”
“We’re working through the COVID-19 requirements and being extra careful to make sure that everyone stays safe,
so please be patient and understanding as things may be a bit different,” she said.
The world as we knew it three months ago has changed, but going through this shared experience has united us in ways we’ve never seen. Our sense of community has never been stronger.
This is a learning curve for everyone, especially our businesses, so let’s all be patient, compassionate, kind and #BuySurfCoast.
For an online directory of more than 360 Surf Coast Shire businesses and the ways they’re adapting during the pandemic, head to

Easing of restrictions

  • Beauty and personal care services such as nail salons, spas and tattoo parlours are able to open with up to 20 customers per space
  • Overnight accommodation is permitted
  • Cafes, restaurants and pubs are able to serve sit-down meals to up to 20 customers at a time, per enclosed space.

Businesses will need to adhere to the four-metre-square rule at all times and follow strict safety guidelines – including extra cleaning, staff health screening and temperature checks. They must also keep customer contact details to allow for rapid contact tracing.

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