Cool down this summer and win an air conditioner with Harvey Norman

December 24, 2019 BY

Now is the time to be thinking about how you are going to cool your home and combat the scorching Aussie climate.

HARVEY Norman Waurn Ponds is offering Times News Group readers the chance to win a Fujitsu 7kW Reverse Cycle Split System Air Conditioner valued at $2,598 this summer.

And with the warmer months in full swing, store manager Simon Day says now is the time to be thinking about how you are going to cool your home and combat the scorching Aussie climate.

Whether you want to beat the heat or create a warm environment, the Fujitsu Lifestyle Range KMTC Reverse Cycle Split System Air Conditioner helps maintain a comfortable ambience for the family home.

Highly intelligent, the unit is fitted with a human sensor which optimises operation based on the movements it detects from inside a room.

Other key features include:

  • Louvre automatically swings up and down to distribute cold or hot air evenly. The louvre’s position is automatically set to match your chosen operating mode
  • Micro-processor adjusts the airflow optimally to follow temperature changes inside your room
  • Sleep timer works by gradually changing the room temperature during the night
  • Economy mode limits the machine’s maximum operating current and supresses power consumption to help cut down on electricity bills
  • Apple-catechin filter effectively absorbs fine dust, mould spores, and other harmful micro-organisms that are present in the air.

To enter, head to timesnewsgroup.com.au/contest and register your details to go in the running for the Fujitsu 7kW Reverse Cycle Split System Air Conditioner.

The winner will be announced on Tuesday, January 28.

**Installation included on a standard back-to-back only.

If you miss out on the giveaway but are keen to learn more about the cooling units available at Harvey Norman, drop into the store at 33 Princes Highway, Waurn Ponds and chat with their team of
friendly staff.

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