Fardy Facts: Survival of COVID-19 on surfaces

April 30, 2020 BY

Hi I am Sarah Fardy, I’m your Surf Coast resident scientist!

I recently started FARDY-FACTS.com.au, an online, interactive space to ask science questions and get evidence-based answers – relieving worries and concerns during the COVID-19 info-demic.

I’m sure we are all sick of hearing about COVID-19 but let me give you some facts about how long this virus can survive outside of the body on surfaces.

Studies suggest that COVID-19 may persist on surfaces for a few hours or up to several days. This may vary under different conditions like surface type, temperature or humidity of the environment.

Initial studies suggest the following time frames for virus survival on surfaces:

  • 3 hours on printed and tissue paper (eg. receipts, letters, newspapers)
  • 24 hours on cardboard (eg. Box deliveries, boxed items at the supermarket)
  • 3 hours in the air (eg Keep a window open when you can)
  • 4 hours on copper surfaces (eg. Coins and some tap fixtures)
  • 2 days on wood and clothes (eg. Be cautious touching railing at lookouts)
  • 4 days on smooth surfaces ( eg. Glass, phone screens and bank notes)
  • 7 days on stainless steel and plastic (eg. Door handles and railings)
  • 7 days on the outside of surgical masks

Temperature and COVID-19

The virus is highly stable at 4°C, but sensitive to heat at around 70°C for 5 minutes.
At 4°C, the virus can survive well over 14 days – so don’t forget to wash your groceries before putting them in the fridge.
Remember, if you think a surface may be infected, clean it with simple disinfectant to kill the virus and protect yourself and others. Clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose.
If you need more information on this or how to decontaminate surfaces and groceries safely, please visit my website fardy-facts.com.au

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