LifeChanger: Connection

August 20, 2020 BY

Community is all about connection; take a moment to connect with someone today.


There are 7.4 billion people on the planet and every one is unique.

One common thread that binds us all is that most of our greatest life moments come from “connection”. Put it to the test… write down your top three!
For many it will be the birth of your kids, marriage, family, team sports, connection with nature. Right now, we are in the midst of a challenge that is the opposite of connection. It’s promoting feelings of isolation, loneliness and disconnectedness… in some ways both physically and metaphorically we are being pulled apart! It’s a challenge we can combat with connection.
Lifeline gets more calls about loneliness and isolation that it does about mental health. Connection is the answer.
Men, we aren’t great at this! More than 50 per cent of Australian men have only one or two close friends, one in seven have none!
The challenges threatening today’s youth and the projections of those challenges post COVID-19, in particular Sydney University’s projection showing a 30 per cent increase in youth suicide between 12-25 years of age is alarming. We need to focus on community and connection.
Connection is the strongest predictor of how long someone lives! Not stress, weight, exercise, alcohol, smoking. Social interaction supersedes them all. Relationships are both a modern-day antidote and a superpower!
Three connection challenges – one for your kids, one for you and one for someone else:
For your kids: find out what type of hero they are. Are they a Warrior (goal setter), Mastermind (planner), Jester (+energy) or Guardian (carer)? Get them to tell you why.
For you: build a bridge; reach out to someone you’ve lost contact with, send them a message and reconnect.
For someone – tell them; make the effort to tell one person how you feel about them – how much you love them.
Community is all about connection, three simple challenges to build community today. Good luck! Guarantee you won’t be disappointed!
The LifeChanger Foundation’s vision is a world with more thriving resilient people.
To find out more, head to or tune into our ‘Inside Sessions’ podcast.

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