Lifechanger human superpower

November 18, 2021 BY

The best solutions are often the most simple - start by breathing more.

At LifeChanger we get to work with thousands of young people in Australia and New Zealand building self-esteem, self-awareness, positive self-identity and resilience!

In the course of our workshops, we have so many inspiring conversations, but it’s always the conversation each person has with themselves that is the most pivotal to living a great life.

For young and old alike it’s the inner dialogue that really shapes how we view ourselves and the world around us. For young people this is critical!

The ability to not overreact, or take things too personally, keeps your mind clear, your heart at peace, and you fully composed in otherwise uncontrollable situations.

Calmness truly is a human superpower. The goal of calmness is not to get rid of all your negative thoughts, feelings, and life situations from the recent past. That’s impossible. The goal is to change your response to them in the present.

How? The best solutions are often the most simple. Start by breathing more …

Stop right now and notice your breath. You can control this breath, and make it faster or slower, or make it behave as you like. Or you can simply let yourself inhale and exhale naturally. Just let yourself breathe, without having to control the situation or do anything about it.

You don’t need to control anything, worry about anything, or change anything. Just breathe, and accept things as they are. This is what letting go feels like. This simple exercise is one of the most powerful tools any person should have in their health and wellbeing toolkit. Whether you are an athlete, a student, a mum, dad … it can be both a life-saving and life-changing practice.

The bottom line is that, despite the real world challenges we all face, the biggest and most complex obstacle you will ever have to personally overcome is your own mind.

Let that sink in. You aren’t responsible for everything that happens to you in life, and you definitely can’t control it, but you ARE responsible for undoing the self-defeating thinking patterns these undesirable experiences create.

You are your thoughts! YOU CAN THINK BETTER, which means you can live better.

That choice is always yours! Good luck!

P.S. BREATHE!!!!!!

Infinite Possibilities,



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