
Torquay Lions celebrate 50 years

October 31, 2019 BY

Torquay Lions Club president John Bell and Surf Coast Shire mayor Rose Hodge cut the club’s 50th birthday cake, designed with the Lions Clubs International symbol and motto ‘we serve’.

THE Torquay Lions Club celebrated 50 years since their inception at the Torquay Bowls Club on October 24.

The club was initiated at the Torquay Hotel in 1969, when 20 people joined Lions International to form a new club.

The club has helped the community through several projects throughout their existence.

One of their first contributions was a fundraiser that included a pony gymkhana to help raise money for the Torquay Senior Citizens Club and Clubrooms.

The local groups the Lions have assisted include Torquay Lions Club, Torquay Fire Brigade, Torquay Primary School, Torquay Scouts, and the Torquay and Jan Juc surf life saving clubs.

The club’s largest project is likely the Torquay Lions Retirement Village, in Kooringa Place, which they began working towards in 1999. The village was completed in 2003.

That same year the group welcomed their first female member, Esther Rosewall, who is still part of the club today.

Since then many other women have also joined the Torquay Lions.

The club has grown significantly over the years, but they still aim to stay true to the Lions International motto, “we serve”.

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