Share your budget feedback

May 10, 2024 BY

THE greatest task councillors undertake each year is putting together the council budget.

There is a considerable amount of work that goes into this from both council officers and councillors to put the budget together.

In late April, Council put the 2024-25 draft budget out for public feedback, and it’s now time for the community to have its say.

Last year there was considerable feedback on numerous matters that Councillors heard loud and clear, and several changes were made to reflect the community’s wishes.

If you make a budget submission, council will consider what you have said, before council signs off on the final budget in late June.

As most residents would appreciate, Geelong Council, like many organisations, is operating under challenging financial circumstances.

The proposed budget forecasts a small operating surplus of $2.07 million in 2024-25, and our focus on new and upgraded facilities to cater for Greater Geelong’s growing population will continue, so there is still plenty of positive news within this budget.

Sporting facility upgrades in eastern Geelong have been granted $1.85 million.

The Aldershot Reserve Masterplan will progress with $1.75 million to install a play space, fitness station and improved trails.

The budget includes direct support for our hospitality industry in the form of reduced al fresco and busking fees, and there is extra funding in 2024-25 to support community-led projects.

The Community Grants allocation has been lifted by $431,000 to just under $4.48 million, as we continue to invest in this space.

There is $1 million allocated in 2024-25 and $4.425 million in 2025-26 for the Landy Field pavilion and athletics facilities upgrade.

This is a much-needed piece of infrastructure and an important space for people of all ages to exercise as well as practice and compete.

In the short time since council released the draft budget, I have already had a lot of public feedback on what matters to local residents.

If you wish to discuss the budget, please don’t hesitate to contact me personally at [email protected] or on 0403 821 309.

The proposed budget is available for community feedback until 5pm on Wednesday, May 22 via geelong.link/Budget24-25

We want to hear from you on this draft budget and I encourage everybody to speak up and engage in this process.

Cr Melissa Cadwell

Brownbill Ward, City of Greater Geelong

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