Armstrong Real Estate’s June market update

July 30, 2020 BY

This month we waved goodbye to another financial year.

And this year, we had quite a lot to reflect on! Front and centre is the amazing adaptability, resilience and strength of each of our team here at Armstrong.
Our team (both sales and rental) powered on through a challenging year with the curve ball that the pandemic represents for all. Of course, there were changes in the market, as there were changes in the way we worked. Not least of all, these changes have given us time to check in on how we approach all aspects of our relationships and business practices. With restrictions being adhered to and safety precautions being honoured, both teams have adapted in servicing clients appropriately and effectively.
For us here at Armstrong, despite the issues we faced – I’m so proud to say that, when comparing results from the previous year, the team have matched – if not beaten some of the numbers this financial year!
It’s testament to an ability to adapt to change.

Just driving past the town centre, you can see just how much progress is being made. Each day represents a step forward in the creation of what is set to be a thriving Armstrong Creek Town Centre!
Already signs have been installed for major retailers (such as Coles and Anytime Fitness) and entry points can be identified for access to the centre. This new development and infrastructure will be an asset to those in the 3217 corridor with easy access to major retailers.
We’re also pretty excited about the development beginning at Anchoridge. As one of the newest estates in Armstrong Creek, it’s titled with three stages of construction about to commence. It’s fantastic to see the 3217 growth corridor expanding.

A raft of government incentives have successfully enticed buyers to consider their options in greater detail when purchasing land and building or existing homes.
We’ve seen a high demand in land sales. Jayden has been inundated with enquiries about blocks for sale and has successfully completed many client purchases!
For purchasers of existing homes, there’s been a variety of supply on the market, providing great options for different buyer pools and their requirements. Over the month of June, the team as a whole have conducted 71 appraisals, 22 new listings and 35 sales! These results finished the financial year off nicely with a fresh attitude for the year of 2021.

Demand for land right now is really strong, assisted by the recent release of the HomeBuilder grant. Provided by the federal government, this grant is a $25,000 incentive for those looking to renovate or build a new home soon. To take advantage of the grant, buyers need to secure titled land or land titling essentially by the end of the year, as well as meeting the income requirements.
This has created a significant surge in demand and we have a healthy amount of buyers. We’ve seen considerable success with the Green Winchelsea 2000sqm allotments with only five allotments are left!
If you’re considering selling vacant land, now is a great time to chat further with the team.

Welcome to a new financial year! The rental market is still strong and properties are starting to get snapped up quickly by potential tenants. With 27 properties leased in June, we are confident that our procedures that have been amended to ensure that we abide with the government COVID-19 restrictions are ticking all the right boxes.
If you’re looking to lease your investment property, it is very important that you price your property correctly to ensure you secure a tenant quickly, this is where a good local agent can assist.
To keep in the loop on a more frequent basis, head to or please follow our social media platforms – stay up to date with our recent listings, our rentals and sales success and info about the area.

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