About: ruby


Posts by: ruby

October 24, 2020

Drumming group back in the rhythm

LOVERS of music, the seasoned team at CocoSounds are committed to delivering high quality lessons and empowering their students to find joy in music...

October 23, 2020

The toastie of the town

A GREAT toasted sandwich may be the signature of former Masterchef contestant and passionate culinary creator Tim Bone, but he’s much more than that. Having...

October 22, 2020

Stop, drop and prepare

SPARKING conversations is important in the spirit of Fire Action Week as local firefighters urge the public to prepare their fire safe plans as...

October 22, 2020

Clear minds at Mount Clear

MID-October was Mental Health Week and as part of the event the State Government announced schools across the region will now have access to...

October 22, 2020

Is Cardigan the forgotten village?

WITH concerns regarding the safety of the gutters, footpaths and recreation sites in the residential area at Cardigan Village, residents fear that their needs...

October 22, 2020

Delacombe Primary gym gets green light

INITIAL works on a new competition-grade gymnasium at Delacombe Primary School are underway. Principal Scott Phillips said both the school and the wider community was...

October 22, 2020

Gallery shop is back open

ALTHOUGH the gallery itself remains closed, as of last Friday the Art Gallery of Ballarat’s shop will re-open to the public. With slightly altered opening...

October 22, 2020

Push to calm the city’s main drag

FOR many business owners, customers and residents of central Ballarat, revving cars and loud motorcycle sounds have become a part of the environment. However, a...

October 21, 2020

How to manage a business and your own stress

WHAT better time than now for some free business advice? Delivered through the Federation Business School Connect Evolve Recover program, Commerce Ballarat are offering an...

October 18, 2020

Ballarat’s rich Baha’i history

THIS year, the Ballarat Baha’i community celebrated a century since the faith reached Australian shores by remembering its rich history in the region with...

October 18, 2020

Meet the makers

A SPACE dedicated to creative production, Camp Street’s The Lost Ones Makers Studio is once again welcoming people through to watch producers work and...

October 17, 2020

The creatives cultivating crucial collaborations

WITH the aim increasing community engagement in theatre, a group of young creatives have formed Ladder Frame Theatre, a collective passionate about empowering young...

October 17, 2020

Running for happy heart health

TEAMS from all around the country are taking part in the Heart Foundation’s MyMarathon challenge, aiming to complete a marathon during October. As part of...

October 16, 2020

Give it up for the vulnerable

FOR the first year, Berry Street have launched an online fundraising campaign, known is Ban it for Berry Street, to get the community...

October 16, 2020

Central laneway’s green secret

TUCKED away down a bluestone lane just off Sturt Street, you can step into Ballarat’s newest indoor plant store, filled to the brim with...

October 16, 2020

Counting down the days in a helpful way

FOR the fifth year, fifteen-year-old Buninyong teen Jake Sbardella is set to sell his Happiness Advent Calendars to raise money for local charities providing...

October 15, 2020

Nail done for good cause

BALLARAT Miners youth head co-coach Ryan McKew is painting his nails, initiating important conversations and raising funds through the Polished Man campaign. Taking on the...

October 15, 2020

Solar savings for organisations doing good

THANKS to the latest round of the State Government’s renewable energy grants, two Ballarat community organisations will soon be reaping the rewards of solar...

October 15, 2020

Orange Door opens to support

THOSE impacted by family violence will now find it easier to access the support they need with the recent opening of the Victorian Government’s...

October 15, 2020

Commerce gets funding boost

THANKS to a Victorian Government’s grant, Commerce Ballarat and the city’s business community will experience a significant funding boost to help get back on...

October 15, 2020

Wendouree bowls needs more rollers

CENTRAL Wendouree Bowls committee are calling out for more players to join their club this coming season. Bowls Committee president Laurie Wadeson said they are...

October 14, 2020

Fridays are for free coffee

TWO Ballarat businesses are teaming up to give back to the community and provide free coffees every Friday in October. Amba Walker from not-for-profit disability...

October 13, 2020

Sturt Street’s novel cafe

HAVING only just opened in August, Sturt Street’s Food Literature Café & Catering has already begun establishing itself as a café for good. Owner Peter...

October 11, 2020

A clear 2040 Vision for the Shire

AWAITING the appointment of the new council, the Golden Plains Shire 2040 Community Vision is ready for adoption after months of consultation and fine...