About: contributor

Posts by: contributor

January 12, 2024

How much can I borrow for a mortgage?

WITH LEIGH DELEDIO AND DANIEL WALSH FROM UFINANCIAL Is “How much can I borrow?" a lingering thought of yours? Then this article is for you! The...

December 29, 2023

Ten, nine, eight, seven….

Before we can start calling 2023 the past, New Year's Eve gives us all one more chance to say goodbye to the year it...

December 29, 2023

A look at the RBA’s interest rate decisions and its impact on households

WITH Daniel Walsh and Leigh Deledio UFINANCIAL TEAM Australia's economic landscape has been undergoing significant changes, with the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) making headline-worthy...

December 21, 2023

It’s wrapping time

WITH CAM O'KEEFE This Christmas seems to have hit a high with almost everyone who wants to give, receive and get their merry cheer on. Snubbing...

December 21, 2023

A time for those less fortunate

WITH GARETH KENT, DIRECTOR PRESTON ROWE PATERSON GEELONG And so it is Christmas and 2023 draws to a close. I would like to end the year...

December 19, 2023

Connecting at Christmas

This year the LifeChanger Foundation has been fortunate to work with more than 100,000 young people, through interactive youth mental health workshops and our...

December 18, 2023

Committee for Lorne: Climate… are we on the right bandwagon?

There are already far too many words, opinions, oars in the water, bakings in the sun, and blowings in the wind … yet here...

December 14, 2023

The benefits of home ownership vs renting

WITH Leigh Deledio and Daniel Walsh from UFinancial Choosing between renting and buying a home is a significant decision that hinges on various factors, ranging...

December 8, 2023

Will there be any funding gifts this Christmas?

WITH GARETH KENT, DIRECTOR PRESTON ROWE PATERSON December 1 is the first day of summer, and for most of us, the countdown to Christmas has...

December 8, 2023

Preparing for your overseas holiday

WITH Healthcare pharmacist Rebecca Miltiadou - DIRECT CHEMIST WAREHOUSE Travelling overseas to exotic destinations is an exciting experience for many people. However, with new adventures comes...

December 7, 2023

‘Tis now the season to eat, drink and be merry

WITH CAM O'KEEFE People like December for many reasons, but my favourite two (and by a long way) are the sunshine, and being able to...

December 1, 2023

Small business loans: Tips and strategies for success

WITH LEIGH DELEDIO AND DANIEL WASLH FROM UFINANCIAL In the dynamic world of entrepreneurship, dreams become reality, innovations thrive, and businesses contribute significantly to economic...

November 24, 2023

We built this city on… STEAK

I'm sorry to vegans, vegetarian, pescatarians and lacto/ovo/lacto-ovos out there (don't ask - it's a thing, though) but Geelong's love of steak is here...

November 24, 2023

Moving forward

This year, the LifeChanger Foundation will engage with more than 100,000 unique and amazing young people, from all walks of life, different regions and...

November 24, 2023

Do dragons exist?

BY GARETH KENT - Director, Preston Rowe Paterson Geelong Do dragons exist? I didn't think so, until very recently. And no, I have not been...

November 16, 2023

Committee for Lorne: The New State-wide Recycling Scheme

It's nice to have a new daily task - especially when gaps in my languid daily schedule open up.  My bench, overcrowded...

November 10, 2023

Hats on. Hats off.

WITH Cam O'Keefe - I have no doubt that when our Times News Group family grows big enough, we'll hold our own annual food and...

November 9, 2023

Visions of the future

WITH Gareth Kent, Director Preston Row Paterson This month, the minds of planning and property are descending on Geelong to discuss the future of Geelong...

October 27, 2023

Late spring, and lots on the horizon

WITH GARETH KENT It does appear that the market in the Geelong and Surf Coast region is starting to generate some heat with some terrific...

October 27, 2023

All aboard!

With Cam O’Keefe. For me, it reads like one brilliant checklist for a Saturday night out: Blues music? Check. Buckets of chilled local beers? Check. Southern American food...

October 26, 2023

Committee for Lorne: Superstitions

Superstition: “... a belief or practice resulting from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance, or a...

October 20, 2023

Why some Australians are facing unexpected tax bills

WITH THE UFINANCIAL TEAM Tax time in Australia has always been a period filled with a mix of anticipation and apprehension. Most people cautiously hope for...

October 19, 2023

Committee for Lorne: The parallel universe of the chatbot

A new age is lapping at the feet of modern societies ... the now popularly called phenomenon of Artificial Intelligence .  In...

October 13, 2023

Property Market Update with One Agency Surf Coast Senior Sales Consultant, Olivia Swann.

Property Market Update Q3 (July - Sept) Postcode 3228 Buyers and sellers in Torquay and Jan Juc have two burning questions on their minds: "Are...