About: ruby


Posts by: ruby

August 27, 2020

Free mental health support

ALONGSIDE various government initiatives and funding introduced to remedy the current mental health challenge presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, not-for-profit...

August 27, 2020

Lifeline for live music

ARTS, culture and hospitality industries in Victoria were some of the hardest hit by COVID-19 shutdowns and restrictions earlier this year. With the aim of...

August 27, 2020

City’s TAFE up for award

NOMINATIONS for the Victorian Training Awards have been announced with Federation TAFE being named as one of the thirty-five finalists. Now in their 66th year,...

August 26, 2020

Fed welcomes new vice-chancellor

THIS week, Federation University welcomed its new vice-chancellor and president, Professor Duncan Bentley, to the team. Resuming the role from Professor Helen Bartlett who...

August 26, 2020

TAC call out for young filmmakers

VICTORIAN filmmakers have been invited by the Transport Accident Commission to take part in its third annual Split Second competition. The competition aims to expose...

August 25, 2020

Join the COVID virtual choir

SEASONED musicians, George and Geoffrey Williams are organising another Virtual Soul Choir project to brighten up Ballarat’s second stage three lockdown. After taking to technology...

August 25, 2020

Safer crossing at Barwon Park Road bridge

AFTER months of construction, the Barwon Park Road bridge on the border of Inverleigh and Surf Coast Shire is once again open for traffic. After...

August 25, 2020

Community grants open again

APPLICATIONS now open for the second round of the Golden Plains Shire’s Community Strengthening grants program. Following a successful first round of the initiative, grants...

August 24, 2020

Ballarat Wildlife Park fundraiser hits $10k in under a week

BALLARAT’S Wildlife Park was one of many area businesses hit hard by COVID-19 restrictions. Owner Greg Parker said that the Park’s expenditure for animal welfare...

August 24, 2020

Inverleigh Hawks get big cash for female friendly change rooms

UPGRADES and updates are on the cards for the Inverleigh Recreation Reserve thanks to large grant from the State government’s Community Sports Infrastructure Stimulus program. Running...

August 22, 2020

Buying local made easy

NOW more than ever, Ballarat residents are opting to buy local produce, goods and services in support for the community. As we adjust to another...

August 22, 2020

Working it out online

THIS year’s pandemic lockdowns have forced many small businesses to re-think the way that they operate. Gyms and recreation centres have had to be especially...

August 22, 2020

Art vacancies up for grabs

THE City of Ballarat’s Community Art Pathways program is again set to provide Ballarat’s artists with new and diverse places to show their work. Currently...

August 21, 2020

Mental health support for businesses

SUPPORT for the mental health of Victorian business owners dealing with the emotional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic is coming...

August 20, 2020

Coates covets Central Ward seat

DEPUTY mayor Cr Belinda Coates is set to run once again for candidate for Central Ward in the 2020 local government elections. As Ballarat’s first...

August 20, 2020

Carb up for commerce this lockdown

IN the hopes of boosting the hospitality economy during the city’s second lockdown, Plate Up and Commerce Ballarat have teamed up for the Ballarat...

August 20, 2020

Input sought on lake lights

THE lake is set get a lot brighter as the City of Ballarat’s pushes forward with further community consultation on

August 20, 2020

Father & daughter team up to save ears

FATHER and daughter duo Natalie Tingate and Ray Testa have been busy making smart devices to protect the ears of mask wearing workers. The products...

August 19, 2020

Caring for our critters: How you can help the Ballarat Wildlife Park

COVID-19 brought with it widespread financial devastation for many Victorian businesses with the Ballarat Wildlife Park being no exception. According to its owners, the Ballarat...

August 17, 2020

New blood for RV dealership

JAYCO Ballarat’s RV dealership will continue operations but now under the new ownership of the Blood Motor Group. The new company aims to bring a...

August 14, 2020

Caterer continues Ballarat home run

WITH thirty-five years’ experience in the restaurant and catering industry, renowned chef Peter Ford is once again offering his signature ready-made meals to Ballarat...

August 14, 2020

Pandemic fears haven’t shaken housing market

DESPITE the myriad of social and economic changes that has occurred throughout the pandemic, Ballarat’s housing market continues to stand strong. Whether people are investing...

August 13, 2020

More help for mental health

AS lockdown becomes our new normal once again, many Victorians will be finding it tough. To combat this and the countries growing rates of suicide,...

August 13, 2020

Teddies, rainbows and smiles found around town

TEDDY bears, rainbows and messages of hope are springing up around the city once again to keep kids and parents entertained throughout stage three...