About: Alison Martin

Posts by: Alison Martin

August 25, 2021

New COVID test sites in Geelong

Barwon Health has set up pop-up COVID-19 testing sites have been set up at Corio and...

August 25, 2021

Call for united approach to homelessness

A GEELONG homelessness support service provider says a collaboration between governments, charities and other service providers to deliver more targeted services could help tackle...

August 24, 2021

Improved parking for commuters

PASSENGERS catching their train at North Shore Station will have safer access to the station, 200 car parks and purpose-built bicycle spaces next year. The...

August 23, 2021

Local construction boom

LARA’S Chisholm Road Prison Project has exceeded a key local content target by 50 per cent this month, with more than 45,000 labor hours...

August 23, 2021

Avalon plan feedback

LOCAL residents with an interest in plans for growth between Geelong and Werribee are encouraged to join online workshops, one-on-one interviews or provide written...

August 21, 2021

Rail project designs unveiled

CONCEPT designs for new elevated rail bridges and station upgrades, as part of the South Geelong to Waurn Ponds Duplication, have been unveiled to...

August 20, 2021

Heart set on new funding goal

A VOLUNTEER group that has already raised more than a million dollars to improve health care for the Geelong region, has its sight set...

August 20, 2021

$4.8m funding for local schools

GEELONG’S northern communities will benefit from a massive funding boost, with the state government committing almost $5 million for major upgrades at two local...

August 19, 2021

Paddle out protest

TORQUAY surfer Belinda Baggs led a paddle out from Geelong’s Port on Sunday, protesting seismic testing for oil exploration in the Otway Basin. More than...

August 18, 2021

Vote for your local hero

THE manager of Fight Cancer Foundation's Geelong Recycle Shop is one of six inspirational Geelong region finalists in this year's Westfield Local Heroes program. Barb...

August 17, 2021

Covid cancels show again

The Royal Geelong Agricultural and Pastoral Society has announced the cancellation of the 2021 Royal Geelong Show for the second consecutive year. The society, founded...

August 15, 2021

New Belmont lane name

AN UNNAMED laneway in Belmont will become Bechervaise Lane, in honour of the late teacher, author, poet, photographer and Antarctic explorer John Bechervaise. The laneway...

August 15, 2021

Pandemic impact analysed

A GREATER Geelong action plan to improve the health and wellbeing, and economic and social situations for women and gender diverse people has been...

August 14, 2021

Playspace expansion

PLANS for a new playground at Bell Park's Hammersley Reserve have been revealed and the council is asking for feedback on the design. The existing...

August 14, 2021

Regional waste hub

THE City of Greater Geelong is leading a collaborative project with neighbouring councils to develop a new regional major waste and recycling hub in...

August 13, 2021

Rip Curl appoints CEO Brooke Farris

Brooke Farris has been appointed Rip Curl’s new Chief Executive Officer, taking up the position on Monday after working for the company for 11...

August 13, 2021

Rebuilding confidence

"THE best thing we can do to help our businesses and help our schools is to get vaccinated and be in the strongest position...

August 12, 2021

Heart-felt fundraiser

HANNAH Pearl says the highlight of organising the local Two Feet and a Heartbeat Charity Walk has been meeting so many people with Heartkids...

August 12, 2021

Economic plan for region

LOCAL businesses and community members have less than a week to provide valuable information for the City of Greater Geelong's 10-year Economic Development Plan. The...

August 12, 2021

Guide for growth

PARKING, design flexibility for the retail heritage precinct and building heights are among the latest changes to the proposed urban design framework for Geelong...

August 10, 2021

Vote for your local hero

VOTING is open for this year's Westfield Local Heroes program, with six inspirational finalists in the running to receive $10,000 for their deserving organisation...

August 9, 2021

Construction boost

HUNDREDS of local jobs have been created across three significant construction projects which will provide significantly improved access to mental health support and are...

August 8, 2021

Demolish or protect?

A DECISION on whether a deteriorating 1857 homestead with structural concerns will be protected by a heritage overlay or demolished is likely to be...

August 5, 2021

Bring the prosperity

AN ENVIRONMENTAL and culturally sensitive plan to attract billions of dollars in investment to Avalon and create thousands of jobs has been described as...